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Website and intranet

Online communication is so much more than the mass-produced websites that all look alike. Tailoring your website to service your clients is essential to maintaining a long term relationship, and also to attract new clients.

Your company can benefit from having access to an internal website (intranet) where each employee can access relevant information in a well structured system which runs parallel to the main website.

You can also impress clients by giving them their own webpage with your business. On the first webpage you could have an ongoing discussion of your offer, then your project and then ideas for the future.

As our technology is both simple, robust and flexible, we are able to tailor solutions that have multiple seperate user entries and which are both public or only visible to selected target groups and employees.

Enable improvement in both your own and your employee's worklife by letting your data 'structure itself' under way. When your own employees enter relavent data on a daily basis, you obviate the need for a dedicated 'web-master', WHO can really become just another barrier to getting your message across.  When the concept of your data structures is based on a related navigation on the website and internally it become much much easier to maintain a logic and well organised work place online.

For example, when we developed a website and combined internal information site for swim centres, where each different work role logged into and edited different webpages, our invoices over a period of 5 years were compared to an offer that was made by another supplier, and we were eight times more economical! 

Our maintenance of our system has been minimal over a twenty year period, because we keep it simple and our webpages display with great navigation in menus that are visible, not popping or folding or falling out, and, worse, disappearing altogether which is utterly frustrating to the user!
Our server space prices are simple and transparent. We run backups of your data on a regular basis and help with the best email solution and we can be contacted all week with a response time in under twelve hours and normally within the hour.